I’m Trista from Crochets By Trista. I learned to crochet back in 2004 but didn’t do much with the craft until about 2012. At the time I was a stay at home mom and I needed a hobby to help me stay busy instead of just sitting in front of the tv and not being productive. Over the years I’ve tested patterns for other designers and have wanted to start a crochet business for a few years now but didn’t think that I could really do it. In 2019, I joined the Crochetpreneur Business Academy because I decided that I will have a go at this crochet designing business thing. If I fail, I fail, all that matters is that I tried; I don’t want to fail so I’m putting in a lot of effort into it and I have tons of support from my loving husband and our families. My goals when I started in 2020 included starting this blog and just seeing if I can make an impact in the world with my crochet designs and my spin on the craft. I do consider myself more of a yarn artist rather than a hobby crafter, if that makes any sense at all.
Over the last few years I have publish over 50 patterns and have even been published in Happily Hooked Magazine.